Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Blue Bloods art project!!!

Art Project Contest! Win a Blue Bloods Make-up Bag!

So I put my slighted drawing talent to the test, and made up a Schuyler!!!

I don't have any real talent (or patience) but I thought "why not, Melissa will appreciate!" (@Melissadelacruz on twitter!) So, this is my contribution and the extent of my skills.

I really hope someone likes it :) and maybe one day I'll self teach myself, like my father did!! 

Alright!! here it is!! Please enjoy! (or if you hate it, keep it to yourself! lol)

for Melissa De La Cruz!

Saturday, January 8, 2011

The Lost Boy by Mark Sheldon (my thoughts)

This book was a hard one. I just couldn't "get into" it. The main character, Dan Regal, is a 12 year old boy, who speaks like a 20-something man. Some of the writing was difficult to place with the age of the characters, (though I did like the Principal!!).
I'm not really a reviewer, like a lot of the blogs I follow. But I thought I should say, read this book, sure. But don't expect anything above a light coffee-time read. I was able to put it down, again and again, without it calling my name to continue reading. I did finish it though, and I personally liked it a little more towards the ending.

Either way, there you go :)

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Friday the 56th

by Alexandra Adornetto
"Another culinary triumph," she said after the first forkfull.

* Grab the book nearest you. Right now.
* Turn to page 56.
* Find the fifth sentence.
* Post that sentence (plus one or two others if you like) along with these instructions on your blog or (if you do not have your own blog) in the comments section of Freda's Voice
*Post a link along with your post back to Freda's Voice.
* Don’t dig for your favorite book, the coolest, the most intellectual. Use the CLOSEST.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

An AMAZING giveaway!!
is giving away AMAZING prizes!! 8 different "2nd place" prizes.... and one MASSIVE grand prize!! A NOOKCOLOR!!!!!
Just go to the link posted above.. read CAREFULLY, follow all instructions, and make sure to have fun :)

The Lost Boy by Mark Sheldon (pic)

Thought I would take a pic of the new book I got today, and post it! Maybe even include a review of it later :)
My Cellphone pic of the book :) (thank you again Mark Sheldon, and thank you for signing it to me as well!)


I've been reading, doing giveaways, tweeting, facebook-in', lol anything I can do to keep myself occupied!
I recieved a ARC of THE LOST BOY by Mark Sheldon in the mail today, along with a webcam (gift via a yahoo friend) and I'm STOKED!
I wish I was a better writer, or that i had something interesting to say...
OH! Ian got his haircut yesterday :) He looks like such a little man :( >>>>>
All his curls are gone, he SCREAMED like it hurt to cut his hair, then was super happy and lovey afterwards.
(the red cheeks are normal, he has a dry skin issue)

So yes, today, I'll be playing on my cam, reading, and maybe cleaning. Though I've already started laundry, i dont feel the need to hang it up right now!!

xoxoxox Off I go :)